Перегородки для палаток
Metal bed enclosures
- Enclosure bend d60;
- The construction is fully galvanized, its dimensions are suitable for the average weight and height of dairy cows;
- The construction is made entirely of bolted elements;
- The design of the beds is adjustable according to the weight and height of the animals;
- Intended for loose cattle farms.
It is not in a cow’s nature to walk backwards. The upper pipe of the system is thus kept short to enable the cows to back out of the beds easily and quickly. The open-ended stall thereby minimizes the need to go backwards, which allows cows to exit fast and establishes a smooth flow in the barn.
Flex Stall
n Flex Stall cows lie down fast because they are not afraid of hurting themselves on the equipment. The flexible stalls minimizes risks of injuries or pressure wounds significantly, which makes it appealing for the cows to use the beds. The result is relaxed cows and longer lying time. On average our clients increase lying time by 1.5 hour per day.